155 Berry Manor Circle
St. Peters, MO 63376
We have not heard from (or about) these Classmates. Can you help us find them?
Jerry Allen
Barbara Britton
Diana Crane
Al [Steve] Cruise
Bob Foster
Carol Hammon
Linda (Harrell) Burch
Nicholas Harris
Kathie Hearst
Pat (Kelly) Stone
Wayne Klippel
Cheryl Kresyman
Cindy (Kruse) Sempsotte
Cathie (Maxson) Bargen
Dan Merkel
Jenny (Montgomery) Windels
Dan Osburn
Gerald Price
Regina (Runnels) Finders
Ken Summa
Michael Schippen
Dennis Vogt
Steve Vogt
Points of Contact
For general information about the next FHHS Class of '69 Reunion contact:
Contact Stan Reichardt about the Class of '69 web pages by sending mail to
Last Updated: August 27, 2009