Class of 1966
Post Office Box 222
Cottleville, Missouri 63338
The FHHS class '66 52nd year Birthday Party:
Our 70th Birthday Party for the Class to be held in October 2018:
Our 15 November 2017 E-Mail detailing the 52nd year Birthday Party
Reunion Personal Updates
Our 30 March 2018 E-Mail Announcement
Our 52nd year Spring lunch gathering will be held on 26 April 2018
The FHHS class '66 51st year lunch gatherings:
Our Spring 2017 E-Mail Announcement
Our 51st year Spring lunch gathering was held on 10 May 2017
Our Fall 2017 E-Mail Announcement
Our 51st year Fall lunch gathering was held on 13 September 2017
The FHHS class '66 50th year reunion:
The 50th year reunion was held in October 2016:
Our 7 December 2015 E-Mail detailing the 50th year reunion
Listing of Hotel Grand Victorian
Regional transportation
fact sheet.
Our 28 March 2016 E-Mail Announcement
Our 50th year Spring lunch gathering was held on 12 April July 2016
Our 13 July 2016 E-Mail Announcement
Our 50th year Summer lunch gathering was held on 28 July 2016
The FHHS class '66 49th year lunch gatherings:
Our 10 August 2015 E-Mail Announcement
Our first 49th year lunch gathering was held on 19 August 2015
Our 19 September 2015 E-Mail Announcement
Our second 49th year lunch gathering was held on 15 October 2015
The FHHS class '66 48th year lunch gathering:
Our 48th year lunch gathering was held on Wednesday, 22 October 2014 .
- The lunch gathering was held at the Golden Corral Restaurant in O'Fallon, Missouri.
- When looking at photos, select them with your mouse pointer, then use left click to enlarge.
Photos available
The FHHS class '66 47th year lunch gathering:
Our 47th year lunch gathering was held on Wednesday, 26 June 2013.
- The lunch gathering was held at the VFW Hall in St. Peters, Missouri.
- When looking at photos, select them with your mouse pointer, then use left click to enlarge.
Photos available
The FHHS class '66 45th year reunion:
The 45th year reunion was held (after Labor Day) on Saturday, 17 September 2011.
The Evening Before - Friday 16 September 2011:
Pete's Drive-In:
We wanted to start partying early. Jim Lindemann had issued an invitation to meet up
at Pete's Drive-In
(the old A & W) in Wentzville on Pearce Blvd. Friday evening about 7:00 p.m. Pete lost the A & W
franchise years ago, but things haven't changed much other than like us -- gotten older!
Check out Pete's menu
Photos available
here .
Balloon Glow:
The 2011 Great Forest Park Balloon Race was scheduled for Saturday, September 17,
2011 at Central Field in Forest Park in St. Louis, Missouri. Therefore, the
Balloon Glow took place on Friday evening, September 16, 2011 also on Central Field.
This event was free to the public --no admittance or parking charges.
The 45th reunion location was:
At the New Melle VFW Hall (Post 5651), 555 Foristell Rd., Wentzville, Missouri, 63385.
The location is approximately one mile west of Hwy Z, across from the New Melle Lakes Golf Course.
Try this
Map .
Photos available
here .
Here is an Adobe Reader PDF image of our 28 March 2007 information
Here is an Adobe Reader PDF image of our 2007 registration
Here is an Adobe Reader PDF image of our 22/23 May 2011
Here is a corrected copy of the Adobe Reader PDF image of our 25 August 2011 information
Photos submitted by Classmates are
here .
More information will be posted when it becomes available.
The FHHS class '66 41st year reunion:
- We held another reunion. Our 41st year reunion was held in 2007.
- This reunion was held at ....
- When looking at photos, select them with your mouse pointer, then use left click to enlarge.
- Class of '66 Reunion held in 2007.
The FHHS class '66 35th year reunion:
- Our 35th year reunion was held in 2001.
- This reunion was held at ....
- When looking at photos, select them with your mouse pointer, then use left click to enlarge.
- Class of '66 Reunion held in 2001 (very few photos were submitted).
Planning Group:
The FHHS Class of '66 Reunion Planning Committee meetings:
Class of '66:
When looking at photos, select them with your mouse pointer, then use left click to enlarge.
Senior Class Photos from Yearbook:
- For FHHS Senior Class Photos from 1966 yearbook, click
here .
Faculty photos from yearbook:
Photos not yet available
Junior Class photos from yearbook:
Photos not yet available
Sophmore Class photos from yearbook:
Photos not yet available
Freshman Class photos from yearbook:
Photos not yet available
Other Things:
Some General Tips:
- When you have film developed, request that the pictures be put on a CDROM disk. This makes it easier for us to add them to our web site later.
- Add Gerry Wolf to your Xmas card list - It will help us track your next move.
Items of some interest:
Items of minor interest:
Some really
items follow:
Contact Stan Reichardt about Class of '66 by sending mail to
Last Updated: 30 March 2018